Finding Home in Sangha: a Residential Retreat for the Asian Diaspora
September 15 - September 19

with Gullu Singh, JD, Louije Kim and Dawn Mauricio
This retreat invites folks of the Asian diaspora into a kinship of experience, holding the paradox of the relative plane of identity and history in balance with the Buddha’s ultimate pointing toward truth and liberation. Held in the wisdom and compassion of the Dharma, the community can move toward a collective healing, appreciating both its connectedness and its difference. Rather than seeking the perfect external conditions, we will support each other in finding solace, comfort, and the joy and celebration that can be sourced from our relationship to experience.
Open to beginning meditators as well as seasoned practitioners, the retreat will offer guided meditations, devotional practices, and some relational practices to support connection to the heart and to each other.
This retreat is silent except for teacher-led Q&A, small groups, or other practice meetings.
Retreat to be held on the land
Open to: Self-identified community of Asian heritage (including Central, East, North, South, Southeast, and West Asian ancestry)