Finding the Middle Way: The Life and Teachings of the Buddha
February 27 @ 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm PST

Embark on a journey through the life of the Buddha as depicted in the Pāli Canon. Together, we’ll delve into the key events that shaped his path, exploring the profound wisdom embedded in the story of this extraordinary teacher.
In the accounts of Siddhartha’s early life, his turn toward the path, ascetic practice, and awakening, we connect with the mythic contours of the spiritual search.
This class, part of our Refuge of Dhamma study series, will weave meditations from the foundational discourse on mindfulness, the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, with reading, group discussion, and reflection on a set of discourses that illuminate the life of the Buddha and its relevance for our lives today.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
5 Thursdays from January 30 to February 27
4:30pm to 6:30pm Pacific Time
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