Steadying the Heart: Refuge through the Four Sublime States
April 1 - April 8
The Buddhist path cultivates four transformative qalities that can be developed into steadfast dwelling places for the heart: kindness, compassion, joy and balance.
Known as the brahmavijaras, these states can be powerful supports for deepening concentration and insight on the contemplative path and responding to suffering.
Throughout this retreat, we will explore techniques to develop each of these states, and release the obstacles that hinder us from living a full life and responding meaningfully to the needs of our world.
I’ll be supporting the online retreatants in this upcoming retreat that focuses on the cultivation of Metta (Loving-kindness), Karuna (Compassion), Mudita (Sympathetic joy) and Upekkha (Equanimity). It’s a rare offering of a retreat where folks at home can practice in concert with folks on the land at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.