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Support Gullu’s Work

In this photo: Buddhist monks going on alms rounds.  The girls are making offerings of food and since the monks have no money they only eat what gets offered.  Thus the monastic community’s survival literally depends on the generosity of the community and their love for the teachings.


G2S Management LLC
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There are many ways to support this work.


For much of my work in the realm of meditation, I rely on the Buddhist practice of generosity. It comes from the notion that the teachings are priceless and also should be available to all, regardless of monetary means and that supporting something that one values brings one happiness.  The Buddha taught generosity as the foundational teaching.  If you’d like to hear a talk I gave at Spirit Rock about Generosity, you can find it HERE.
For example, when I teach a retreat at Spirit Rock, there is no compensation outside of what the community of retreatants offer at the end of the retreat (in addition to the fee they pay for room, board, etc.). I love this concept, but it also means that income is highly variable and unpredictable making it hard to sustain a living as a householder who has expenses like rent, utilities, food, etc.
So if you find my teaching helpful you can support me monetarily as indicated on this page. You can also support me in other ways, such as offering any skills that you are able to offer, especially in the realms of marketing, mailchimp and video content production.

You can also support me by sharing my events with interested friends and helping me build my fee-for-service offerings such as recommending me to your company or employer or others interested in mindfulness in the workplace. Even liking and subscribing to my small but growing YouTube Channel helps.